“Evidence now supports that plants are living, breathing, communicating creatures endowed with personality and the attributes of soul. It is only we, in our blindness, who have insisted on considering them automata.”
– Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird (The Secret Life of Plants)

Welcome Gardeners, bee keepers, bird & butterfly watchers and all houseplant parents!

We don’t need to tell you about your instinctive connection with the aesthetic and peaceful vibration of plants. You more than most, know first hand how spiritually satisfying, happy and comfortable we humans are (and how much healthier) when living among our floral brethren.

“Did you know that plants have memory? Both long and short term. Plants gather impressions about their environment and other living organisms, including humans, and retain them over long periods of time. They remember humans who have done them harm or even just threatened them, responding in what can only be described as terror and anguish. And, they also remember those who are kind and caring to them, with recorded responses that can only be described as reciprocal tenderness. This is not new information. It’s been documented and recorded in laboratories worldwide, for well over sixty years. Imagine what they have yet to teach us!” – RA Conroy

Like Ms. Conroy, we here at The Pet CARE Pro are forever students. Hence this gazette. We’re here to learn too, right along with you.

First, we need to set aside eons of old dogma, human bias and ignorance about plant life.

The exponential changes over the decades in the fields of botany, climate, soil sciences, and plant communication can sometimes seem unbelievable, bordering on the realm of science fiction. Yet at the same time, along with advances in research, technology and data sharing via the internet have come monumental leaps in knowledge, overturning what we thought we knew just sixty years ago. This is especially true when paired with the revolutionary discoveries in cognitive ethology, Theory of Mind and sentience in not only animals, but all life forms on planet Earth – and possibly beyond.

It’s a breathtaking, exciting time. We are standing at the crossroads of major sociological, evolutionary change, a paradigm shift of the highest order: one of the mind.

So, let’s meander down the garden path, asking our flowery friends for guidance as we explore what’s new on the horizon…

The Pet CARE Pro recommends:

THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS by Peter Thompkins and Christopher Bird. One of the finest, most mind-bending and revolutionary books that busts apart our biased, outdated human point of view about life on earth, revealing a much more complex, mysterious and magical universe.

MOTHER EARTH NEWS: For the best in organic gardening, homesteading, sustainable farming and off-grid living; subscribe to this magazine treasure trove of information.

Organic Gardening: Another invaluable source of information is this magazine devoted to organic and sustainable gardening.

Until next time:

Dare to live with CARE
(Compassion, Awareness, Respect, Education)
to be the change…one corner at a time.